31 jul 2012

Schools in Argentina (by Ailén & Ruth)

Schools in Argentina are different from those of other countries. Here we have public and private schools.
The main differences are that private schools are expensive and their students have to wear uniforms. Girls usually have to wear a ponytail and can´t have their nails coloured. On the other hand, in most public schools pupils must wear white pinafores and education is free.  
In both types, there are preschools for toddlers and children under 6. They play and learn all the day. Then, we have primary and secondary schools.
Primary schools are for children aged from 6 up to 11 or 12 years old. During this time, children learn Maths, Science and Language among other subjects with different teachers for the special ones like Gym and Arts.
On secondary schools, everything is different. The lessons are more difficult than in the previous levels. They are made up of 6 years. There are more subjects with different professors and you have to study more and harder if you want to pass exams so that you don´t repeat the year. 
How about your school or the ones where you live?

6 jul 2012

Being a teenager (by Camila G. & Florencia)

Teenage: An age of problems, fun, and change

Youth is an important stage in a person's life. With it comes freedom, fun, but also problems and responsibilities.

There are several advantages about being a teenager. Firstly, you have more freedom, you can manage yourself. For example, if you go out with friends, you can be walking alone. Secondly, you can manage your own money. For example when you go and buy something with your own money. Finally, you can take your own decisions, like the clothes you wear, your group of friends, or personal decisions.
However, there are many negative aspects about being a teenager. Firstly, you have more responsibilities like arrive safe at home or picking up your younger brother from different places. Secondly, sometimes you feel like nobody understands you and because of that you feel alone or sad and you care more about what the others say or think about you, than about your own opinion.  
But perhaps the biggest disadvantage is that you constantly argue with your parents, because you want to have more freedom and they think in a different way, so you become angry and everything is a mess.
As a conclusion we can say that although youth is an age of problems and changes, it can also be a stage to enjoy the most and do things you would never do again when you grow up.

2 jul 2012

Blind Dates (by Camila G.C. and Lucas)

Have you ever been on a blind date? Do you know what they are? 
Here we will give you some information and rules for you to be informed...
A blind date is a kind of date in which two people meet on a place without having met each other previously. In general they are organized by friends or parents from one or both parts. They can be organized by dating systems, as well.
Blind dates are considered by psychologists like one of the most stressing emotional experiences. This is because there is a high lost of self-confidence from both parts and the unavoidable fear to the unknown.
These types of dates are coming more and more popular with the Internet, because people meet through chat, and instant messaging, and finally they decide to meet each other in person to have the opportunity to talk and know more about each other. However, this date might not be considered a blind one, because people have previously talked. The same happens with social networks like Facebook, which are not anymore a blind date because people are used to uploading pictures about themselves.

Rules to follow on a blind date:
1)      Common sense
2)      Stay on a public site with people
3)      If possible 4 people must go. The ones of the date and a friend of each other.
4)   On the date, ask everything about the other person's life, since its about knowing who the other person is.
5)      Don’t wait for your dream boy or girl. Go with the idea to hang out and spend some time.
6)      Give some time to the date... it's complicated for both.
7)      If you are not interested in the other person, cut it down.
8)      Sincerity is the best and it can laze the situation.

So, if you want to meet someone you don’t know and try a new experience, you should have a BLIND DATE!