Video games are a funny and entertaining way to spend your free time because...
*They are entertaining.
*You can learn words in other language.
*You can play with friends.
*You can improve your reactions.
*With some games you can meet people.
*You can improve your language skills.
*It's a good way to spend time.
*In some games you can learn geography.
*Technology is making more and more realistic games.
But, on the other hand...
*Nobody likes to lose, so some games may worsen your mood.
*Not all the games guarantee they will be entertaining.
*In some games you have to pay to access some zones.
*Online games can be dangerous.
*Games could become addictive and can affect your life.
*Some games can also affect your health, like 3D games.
Games are a good way to learn and improve your body reactions, but if you play online games try not to reveal personal information and not to spend so much time on them, since they could be addictive.
3 comentarios:
Me parece muy interesante conversar y reflexionar sobre el consumo de los videojuegos. Además de todos los puntos que ustedes nombraron hay algo que me parece significativo para tener en cuenta y es el “tiempo”. Les dejo algunas preguntas para seguir pensando: ¿cuánto tiempo pasan diariamente jugando a los videojuegos? ¿Por qué? ¿No tienen otra cosa para hacer o eligen jugar a los videojuegos? ¿Cómo se pasa el tiempo cuando están jugando? ¿Volando? ¿Es eso lo que quieren o por jugar dejaron otras cosas de lado?
Saludos, Prof. Cecilia (Comunicación, cultura y sociedad, 5to. Año)
I'm not big on video games, although I kind of enjoy playing with the Wii every now and then.
I think it's all right to have fun with video games as long as you know when to stop and enjoy yourself doing other things as well.
This post is very good, I love playing video games and being on the computer, I agree with him.
Facundo Dalpra
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