6 sept 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet (by Agostina and Milagros)


As everyone in the world, you probably use the Internet regularly. But maybe you never think about the advantages and disadvantages of it. Well, let us show you some of them...

Nowadays we use the Internet in our everyday lives because it´s very important for us, especially for teenagers.
  • Advantages
One of them is that you can communicate in different ways: social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Windows Messenger; you can also send e-mails. On the other hand, you can look for information, images, videos, you can listen to music and you can also download things through browsers like Google and Yahoo, which are the best known. Finally, another thing you can do is to buy or book things/places online.
  • Disadvantages
Using Internet has its bad side. For example, surfing a lot the Internet can isolate you from your social life, so you should organize your time to do different activities.
You have to be conscious because using social networks without knowing about them can be insecure, because you can give personal information that can be useful for bad people, so please be careful about the kind of information you publish on the Internet.
So well, here we mentioned some things that can we useful, and that you have to take care of, but we want your opinion. Do you agree with what we've mentioned? Do you have anything to add?

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I'm agree with advantages and disadavantages written in the article. I'd like to say another disadavantage: when you find some informations about health for example it is a good idea to check that you read. Sometime you find out who has written something doesn't have any knowledge. You can read many thinghs absolutely false.
Warning to you tube!! You can see the way to make a bomb! I don't want to imagine what it can happen if these kind of videos are "clicked" by my son who the mania to invent something.
Antonio, Italy

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