18 may 2012

Butterflies (by Damaris Stegman)

* Moths have a complex life cycle called "complete metamorphosis", passing through four main phases that are called: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and adult butterfly.    
* The scientific name of butterflies is "Lepidopteras" and they have a great variety of colors, sizes and shapes.
* Their pigments are produced chemically and physically by diffraction and refraction of light.
* Because of tropic favorable conditions, like a warm climate and abundant food, they have the greatest variety of species: 20,000!!!
* They have three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen.
* The head is divided into: proboscis head, antennae, labial paps and compound eyes.
* The thorax has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.
* The abdomen consists of ten segments, but only eight are clearly visible.  
* They develop a wide range of systems to protect themselves from predators.
* In great part of the world the number of butterflies has decreased and many species have already disappeared. As the  tropical forest (with a great variety of plants and animals) is the richest habitat for the Lepidoptera, the forest destruction threatens many species.
* The use of insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers are other threats to the fragile natural balance they need.

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I realy like this post because I didn´t know that much about butterflies, I´d just thought that they were pretty colourful insects.Now I can say I learn some interesting things about them. Thanks!

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