24 may 2012

Teenagers and Videogames (by Ramiro García Carou)

Nowadays, teenagers make use of technology as much as they can. Most boys have video game consoles like Sony PlayStation 2 or 3. We all love to be modern but most teenagers love to use the latest technology. 
Students usually fail their exams for not studying but playing videogames. There are even cases of people who aren’t married because they have no social lives and they spend most of their time playing videogames.
People usually have portable consoles to play while they travel
So, for me, I’d like to focus on my life and try not to play so much. We all love playing the game we like, but life is not a game and we don’t have too many opportunities on it. 

2 comentarios:

Milagros dijo...

In my opinion, we must find the balance in order to play what we want and to study and fulfill our obligations.

Anónimo dijo...

I don't like videogames or better perhaps I like playing them for the first ten minutes! I know people of my age that they love video games. I prefer outdoor activities but the real problem are the children that have PSP, Nintendo, computer and sometimes videogames are similar a drugs. Now you can play with people very far from you by internet and I know boys of 15-16 that play until midnight!!
Someone is becoming to answer if there are or not some damages in your social life.
Antonio - Italy

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