14 ene 2013

Water wating (by Milagros and Lucas)

Do you care about water? Do you close the tap after washing your hands? Well, nowadays water wasting is a crucial issue in the world. Let me tell you more about it...

Water is a finite resource, vital to humans and essential to the social and economic development. In recent decades, water scarcity began to be of public awareness, as well as a certain risk of an overall decline in freshwater resources.

70% of the surface water  on the planet is made up of seas and oceans. 97,5% of it is salt water, while only 2,5% is fresh water.
Almost 79% of total freshwater is in form of permanent ice, in polar ice and glaciers, which is unavailable for usage. 20% of water in liquid is inaccessible due to the depth in which it is (sometimes 2,000 meters below the sea level). Only 1% is fresh surface water easily accessible, what represents 0,025% of water on Earth.

80% of global evaporation depends on the oceans and only 20% of precipitation over land, feeding lakes, rivers and shallow groundwater.
So, as I told you, water is not an inexhaustible resouse. We must be aware of it.
What do you think we can do to save water....?

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