11 may 2012

Landing on the Moon (by Camila Garcia Carou)

This photo is famous worldwide but what is hidden behind it? Here is the story before the first landing on the moon…

In 1950, the United States and the USSR were rivals because of the political and militar control of the planet. On October the fourth, the USSR  could finally put in orbit the first artificial satellite, “Sputnik 1”. A little time later, a second satellite, “Sputnik 2”, had a new success because it took a passenger: Laika, a dog.

Yuri Gagarin was the first person that traveled to space. He went on a Soviet spaceship, “Vostok 1” ,and in 1961 it completed an orbit surrounding the earth for 108 minutes. 

In 1962, the United States sent John Glenn, who went round the earth three times, and arrived here being a heroe. On 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman that travelled to the space on the spaceship "Vostok 6".

The American Project “Apollo” was a series of approaches to the moon. In 1969, the spaceship  "Apollo 11" was sent to the moon and on July the  20th it was already on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on it, and they were also the first ones in walking over the moon. 
After this expedition, there were other “Apollo”missions  and 12 astronauts put their feets on the Moon. 

So, it is not as  simple as going to the beach! And what about you… would you like to go to the moon?

Source: Revista "Genios del Cole" Nº 22. La conquista del Espacio.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Althought I was a child of four years I remeber very well when all my family were around TV (blak and white) to watch Neil Armstrong who was walking on the moon. After this event at school the teacher asked them to do a picture of the scene and this picture was hung on the wall by my father.
I remeber many others events linked to the exploration of the space space like the join between a Russian spaceship and an American spaceship or the first flight of the Space Shuttle but with the passing of the years this enthusiam isn't the same.
Now I'm answering if it is the worth to spend a lot of money with all the problems we have around us.....on the Earth! Antonio - Italy

Anónimo dijo...

Wow! Although we know that humans stepped on Moon's land, there are some theories that says that it was fake. That's talking about USA but, what do you think?Have they trully reached Moon?
-Lucas B.-

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