27 may 2012

Strange and Fantastic Places (by Milagros Cotarelo)

Have you ever heard about Socotra or the marine sculpture garden? If you haven´t, they are two fantastic places in the world! Let me tell you something about them. You will be amazed after reading this post!
Socotra the magic Island in Africa.
Socotra is the main island, along with three other small islands, of and archipelago in the right horn of Africa.
The climate is generally tropical desert, with little rain. From June to September the island is inaccessible because of its high winds.
The striking plant formation of the island is on the cliff at the foot of the mountain. The vegetation here is dominated usually by the cucumber tree, the Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum and Euphoria arbuscula. Higher up in the mountains, the leash or tree of Socotra dragon´s blood with an umbrella-shaped crown.
Most islanders still live without electricity, running water or paved roads. They speak a semitic language itself, the soqotri. There are around ten thousand people living there!!
The island was recognized in July 2008 by UNESCO as World Natural Heritage. 
Art between fish
The artist Jason de Caires Taylor promotes the "Marine Sculpture Gardens", a new concept of art.
Molinere bay, in the small Caribbean island of Granada, was the first place that had a sculpture garden with sixty-five sculptures covering an area of 800 meters. You have to dive in some cases up to 20 meters deep!!

  • Vicitudes. It is a circle of children figures holding hands. It is designed to withstand strong currents and evoking ideas of unity and continuity. 
  • The Lost Correspondent. It depicts a man sitting at a desk with a typewriter. Taking the form of a traditional  correspondent, the alone figure is not only a relic but a fossil in a lost world.
Sources of information 1 & 2

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

What a fantastic post! I love that places in the world that are very strange, I hope someday I colud visit it! Lovely post congratulations!

Anónimo dijo...

Perfect post, I love it.

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